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Savor Fresh Air and Sweet Candy at the Trick or Trail 5K Near Chesapeake Ridge - Chesapeake Ridge Blog

Savor Fresh Air and Sweet Candy at the Trick or Trail 5K Near Chesapeake Ridge

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The Trick or Trail 5K promises the perfect balance of exercise and Halloween candy. Candy pit stops dot the race course, inviting trick-or-trailers to stop and grab a sweet (and maybe take a rest) as they continue toward their goal. Since the 5K launches from Bear’s Reach Church, not far from our Cecil County apartments, consider joining the fun.

Register on Eventbrite ($20) and start training for race day on Saturday, October 22nd. If you’re not quite in fighting shape by then, don’t worry. Walkers, strollers, and pets are all welcome at the Trick or Trail 5K. Take it at whatever pace is comfortable for you. Just make sure you’re ready to go at the starting line at 8 a.m. with your candy-collecting bag—ideally in your most creative Halloween costume. The more effort you put into it, the greater chance you have of snagging a prize. Of course, you can also snag a prize by finishing in the top tier of your age group. Celebrate crossing the finish line by heading to the pumpkin patch and grabbing a gourd to take home.

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