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Turkey Point Vineyard Near Our North East Rentals - Chesapeake Ridge Blog

Turkey Point Vineyard Near Our North East Rentals

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With spring in full swing, you might be seeking a place to enjoy an alfresco happy hour. Turkey Point Vineyard can oblige. Last year, it added tons of outdoor seating so that budding sommeliers could enjoy sipping on its locally crafted vino in the sunshine, overlooking the fields where the grapes were grown. That’s in addition to an on-site tasting room where you’re invited to hole up if the weather is a bit gray.

Of course, Turkey Point’s Main Street tasting room has been open for nearly eight years, so it’s not as if its wines are brand new to the scene! From its original five acres dedicated to merlot, cabernet franc, and chardonnay (which began production in 2008) to the additional two acres devoted to muscat (added in 2014), the vineyard’s well-stocked fields hold something for everyone. Come and enjoy the fine wine as you gaze out on the working vineyard, which is only a stone’s throw from our apartments near the Chesapeake Bay, or set up an appointment if you’re considering hosting a special event here.

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